Teaching Machine Learning Workshop at ECML-PKDD 2020

Roles 09/14/ 2020:
    Welcome and presentation chair: Heidi Seibold
    Technical chair: Oliver Guhr
    Wrap-Up and Farewell: Peter Steinbach

09.00 am         Welcome 
09.15 am         Paper Presentations     
10.05 am         Coffee break
10.25 am         Workshop (Discussion in Breakout Rooms)  
12.00 pm         Lunch  
01.00 pm         Wrap-Up Session  
01.30 pm         Farewell and Next Steps   
01.45 pm         End  

Roll call + Check in
(sign-in to stay connected, not required)

Paper presentations
Paper presentations will be recorded and published on YouTube (if presenters don't object)

On YouTube
“Teaching Computational Machine Learning (without Statistics)” by Katherine M. Kinnaird

“AI is not Just a Technology” by Claudia Engel, Nicole Coleman

“Introductory Machine Learning for non STEM students” by Javier Garcia-Algarra

“An Interactive Web Application for Decision Tree Learning” by Miriam Elia, Carola Gajek, Alexander Schiendorfer, Wolfgang Reif

“Teaching the Foundations of Machine Learning with Candy” by Daniela Huppenkothen, Gwendolyn Eadie

“Turning Software Engineers into Machine Learning Engineers” by Alexander Schiendorfer, Carola Gajek, Wolfgang Reif

Breakout groups

Each group will work in a seperate breakout room and discuss one of the topics below. 
You can choose to participate in one of them. 
Please collect your ideas / discussion in the respective etherpad.
The etherpads will be reused -> please don't add information you don't want to share publicly.

  1. Education Research https://pad.okfn.de/p/teaching-ml1
    1. What are research projects you know of?
    2. What are research projects that could be done?
    3. Developing a questionaire for students to discover the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) necessary for teaching concepts in machine learning.
      1. (See also https://twitter.com/HeidiBaya/status/1303675224379056130 )
    4. Which topics are often overlooked when teaching ml? 
  2. Opening up educational ressources https://pad.okfn.de/p/teaching-ml2
    1. What open ressources do exist?
    2. What stops the participants in the workshop from making their material available?
    3. What are your experiences with open educational ressources?
  3. Learning from others https://pad.okfn.de/p/teaching-ml3
    1. What do experienced teachers (e.g. Carpentries trainers) do that could be used in ML education?
    2. How do you set the goal of a course?
    3. How do you test if you achieved your goal?
    4. How do you balance theoretical foundations and practical skills?
  4. Creative teaching ideas https://pad.okfn.de/p/teaching-ml4
    1. Examples of exciting practical projects
    2. What have you always wanted to do as a course/lab?
    3. Which methods have proven helpful when teaching machine learning?
  5. <your topic> https://pad.okfn.de/p/teaching-ml5
    1. <your proposed discussion points>

I would like to participate in breakout group... 
(Please sign up with the name that is visible on zoom. Please sign up before the coffee break so we can start right after.)
  1.  Education Research
    1. Karsten Lübke
    2. Benedikt Weygandt
    3. Miriam Elia
    4. Heidi Seibold
  2. Open Educational Resources and Material Sharing
    1. Oliver Guhr
    2. Cornelia Gamst
    3. Hussain Kazmi
    4. Carola Gajek
    5. Katherine M. Kinnaird 
  3. Learning from Others
    1. Peter Steinbach (I might join a tad later as I am overlooking the breakout room assignments from the main room)
    2. Alexander Schiendorfer
    3. Daniela Huppenkothen
    4. <your name>
    5. <your name>
    6. <your name>
  4.  Creative teaching ideas
    2. <your name>
    3. <your name>
    4. <your name>
  5.  <Any topic>
    1. <your name>
    2. <your name>
    3. <your name>
    4. <your name>
    5. <your name>

Guideline for Breakout rooms:

When entering the breakout rooms, we hope that all participants organize themselves. 
However, we provide a rough guideline on how to proceed.

First, introduce yourself with the following ice breaker questions:

Second, discuss the topic of your breakout room. 
Please structure the discussion and work towards a summary that can be presented to the workshop within 6 minutes plus 3 minutes of discussion. 
Designate a speaker that will present a summary of the discussion.

Summary of Breakout rooms
(7 minutes for presenting, 3 minutes for Q&A => https://cuckoo.team/teaching-ml)

1. Education Research
2. Open Educational Resources and Material Sharing
3. Learning from Others

General Feedback
first something that you liked, that you want us to keep doing

second something that you didn't like or were irritated by